Contact Us Contact The Stylish Stray

Contact Us at The Stylish Stray

Bark at Us, We’re All Ears!

Welcome to The Stylish Stray’s Contact Pavilion, where your messages are more exciting than the sound of a treat bag! Whether you have a question, suggestion, or a tail-wagging story to share, our customer service team is here to assist you. Think of us as friendly and attentive as a Labrador at dinner time, ready to help with anything from size queries to style advice.

Paw-Some Customer Service:

Don’t hesitate to reach out for any assistance. We’re enthusiastic about providing you with the best possible service.

Telephone (For Human Use Only):

(213) 205-0475
Monday – Friday: 9 AM to 5 PM (Doggy Time Zone)

(Send us a woof! We promise to reply faster than a Greyhound.)

Whistle (Social Media):

Find us fetching likes on:

Pup-lic Relations and Press Inquiries:

For media, interviews, or to share our tail, please contact:

Retail and Partnership Sniffs:

Interested in stocking our tail-wagging trends or collaborating? Reach out to:

We can’t wait to hear from you—whether you’re howling with joy, barking a suggestion, or just want to say hi. Remember, at The Stylish Stray, every message is treated with the warmth and attention a best friend deserves!

Paws and Love,
The Stylish Stray Team 🐾

(Note: Please allow us 1-2 business days to respond. We might be out walking the dog!)

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