What’s In A Dog’s Name?
Your puppy’s name is more than just a label—it’s the key to how they’ll respond to the world around them. When they hear their name, it signals that something positive is coming: praise, rewards, and affection. So, it’s essential to pick a name that’s easy for them to recognize. Aim for one or two syllables, and choose something you can say with enthusiasm and warmth.
Puppies are especially drawn to higher-pitched tones, which sound exciting and engaging to them. Just make sure the name doesn’t sound too similar to basic commands like “sit” or “stay.” Also, think about any personal connections you may have to a name—does it bring up emotions or memories? You wouldn’t want to name your dog “Ozzy” and later realize it was also the name of your late cousin’s favorite rock star, creating an unexpected emotional link every time you call your pup.
Choosing the perfect name can help create a lasting bond between you and your furry friend, setting the tone for a happy, well-trained life together.
The Stylish Stray is dedicated to helping dog lovers create stylish, meaningful experiences for their pets, from names to accessories. Embrace your dog’s unique personality with a name that fits their style and spirit!
John Woods is a professional dog trainer and is a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers.
Abby | Abigail | Ace | Addison | Aggie |
Alex | Alexis | Alexander | Algonquin | Allie |
Almond | Amber | Amigo | Amaretto | Annie |
Andromeda | Andre | Andy | Angel | Angus |
Annabelle | Apache | Aphrodite | April | Apollo |
Archie | Asia | Aspen | Astor | Astrix |
Atlas | Atticus | Audrey | Augusta | Avalanche |
Axel | Azure | Annja | Azzo | Aysha |
Banjo | Barker | Barkley | Barney | Baron |
Baxter | Bayou | Beans | Bear | Beignet |
Bella | Belle | Belvedere | Benji | Bentley |
Betty-Boop | Blackbeard | Blackie | Blaze | Blanca |
Baby | Brewster | Bacardi | Brody | Bailey |
Blue | Bluebeard | Bianca | Biggy | Bijou |
Bilbo | Biscuit | Bogie | Boo-Boo | Boomer |
Bones | Bosco | Boss | Bou’ya | Bowser |
Bruno | Barbie | Brut | Brutus | Bubba |
Bubbles | Buck | Bud | Buddy | Buffy |
Buford | Bugger | Bugsy | Bullet | Bumbles |
Bambi | Bronx | Bandit | Brooklyn | Bronson |
Boz | Brandy | Brat | Babushka | Brazil |
Bunky | Buster | Butch | Butkus | Butler |
Butterbean | Buttercup | Butterscotch | Button | Buzz |
Brandy | Brownie | Bax | Berto | Bürgi |
Caleb | Cali | Callie | Calvin | Candy |
Cain | Care-bear | Caruso | Cassie | Casey |
Casper | Caesar | Champ | Chance | Chandler |
Chantilly | Charisma | Charlie | Chase | Charity |
Cherish | Chauncey | Cheech | Cherokee | Chestnut |
Chewy | Cheyenne | Chico | Chief | China |
Chip | Chiquita | Chloe | Chocolate Chip | Chomper |
Chopper | Cinder | Cinnamon | Cleo | Cleopatra |
Clifford | Clover | Clyde | Cocoa | Coco |
Cody | Colby | Coffee | Colonel | Commander |
Comet | Confucius | Conner | Cookie | Cooper |
Corona | Cosmo | Cedric | Cracker Jack | Cricket |
Curly | Cuddles | Cupid | Cujo | Crystal |
Curtis | Cyber | Czar | Cändi | Cändi |
Daisy | Dakota | Dabs | Dallas | Dally |
Dante | Daphne | Darwin | Darby | Dash |
Dalia | Dancer | Dajana | Dee-Dee | Dempsey |
Delight | Delilah | Denim | Denali | Desiree |
Diva | Devin | Dinky | Dexter | Dewey |
Dinky | Dillon | Digger | Diamond | Diesel |
Dixie | Dobby | Dodger | Doughnut | Dolly |
Domino | Donner | Doodle | Dior | Dilli |
Draco | Duffy | Duchess | Duncan | Dusty |
Dundee | Duke | Dorado | Dämon | Duxie |
Easter | Earthquake | Ebony | Elektra | Ellie |
Elliot | Elmo | Echo | Einstein | Elmer |
Elvis | Elf | Esther | Eve | Ecko |
Edgar | Edith | Efie | Eico | Eiva |
Electra | Eli | Erck | Ernö | Eny |
Exena | Exina | Ezee | Exie | Ezzo |
Fabian | Faith | Farrah | Fatty | Fawn |
Fadia | Ferris | Fido | Fifi | Fisher |
Fizz | Flash | Fleetwood | Fargo | Falke |
Famke | Fannie | Faun | Fatima | Faye |
Felia | Ferrick | Fina | Floyd | Flipsi |
Frisco | Fätto | Frenchi | Frou-Frou | Fräulein |
Gable | Galaxy | Gage | Genevieve | Geisha |
Georgia | Gertie | Gideon | Gidget | Giggles |
Gigi | Gilbert | Ginger | Giovanna | Gisela |
Gizmo | Goldy | Goliath | Gouda | Guess |
Grace | Gracie | Gravy | Greta | Grizzly |
Groovy | Grover | Gucci | Gwen | Günter |
Gus | Guy | Gypsy | Gwenn | Gwendoline |
Half-Pint | Hambone | Hannah | Happy | Harley |
Harmony | Harvey | Hayden | Hazel | Heath |
Heidi | Henry | Hero | Hershey | Hoagie |
Hobbs | Homer | Honey | Hoosier | Hooter |
Hope | Hemingway | Hunter | Hilga | Humphry |
Ice | Ice-T | Iggy | Ingrid | Iris |
Isaac | Isabelle | Ivory | Ivy | Ianni |
Iassko | Ilma | Ilu | Iltis | Iolanda |
Issy-Tanja | Ivan | Ittie | Isvan | Iros |
Irena | Isidora | Issanka | Ivan | Iwanka |
Ivanhoe | Itano | Isis | Isaak | Izzy |
Jabber | Jack | Jade | Jagger | Jake |
Jasmine | Jasper | Jaws | Jazz | Jenkins |
Jericho | Jessie | Jet | Jewel | Jezebel |
Jill | Jacquelin | Jojo | Josie | Jobe |
Jock | Janos | Jennie | Jolana | Jäger |
Kacey | Kahlua | Kaitlin | Kane | Karate |
Katrina | Kawai | Kayden | Kayla | Kelsey |
Kendra | Kera | Khan | Kibble | Kicks |
Kiddo | Kiefer | Kiki | Koko | Kundi |
Lacey | Lady | Lady Belle | Lala | Lamb Chop |
Lana | Lancelot | Lane | Lassie | Latke |
Latte | Lavender | Leo | Leon | Lexie |
Lexus | Lila | Lilac | Lilly | Lizzie |
Logan | Lollie | Louie | Lucy | Lucky |
Ludwig | Luke | Lulu | Lavina | Lottie |
Macaroni | Madam | Maddie | Madison | Maggie |
Magic | Maize | Major | Malcolm | Mandy |
Manfred | Magnolia | Marbella | Margot | Mariah |
Marigold | Marlo | Mars | Mason | Matilda |
Matinee | Maui | Maverick | Max | Maxim |
Maxwell | Maya | Mazie | Mecca | Medusa |
Megan | Mercedes | Mercury | Mercy | Merlin |
Muki | Mia | Mickey | Midget | Midnight |
Mighty | Miko | Miles | Millie | Milky-Way |
Milo | Mimi | Mischa | Missy | Misty |
Mystic | Mitzie | Mocha | Mochi | Moira |
Molly | Mona | Montana | Montgomery | Monty |
Mooch | Moody Blues | Moon | Moose | Morgan |
Moses | Mozart | Mr. Magoo | Mr. Peabody | Mud |
Mufasa | Mustafa | Muffin | Mugsley | Munchkin |
Murphy | Murray | Myasia | Mäxx | Mändi |
Nicholas | Nadia | Nala | Nanook | Naomi |
Napoleon | Nazareth | Nemesis | Neon | Nero |
Nestle | Nibbles | Nico | Nika | Nike |
Nina | Ninja | Niobe | Nipper | Noble |
Noel | Noodles | Norman | Nova | Nova |
Oakley | Obi-Wan | Odina | Octavia | Oden |
Oliver | Olly | Omar | Onyx | Opal |
Oprah | Oreo | Orion | Oscar | Otis |
Old-Joe | Ovita | Oxford | Ota | Owen |
Oswin | Otello | Ozeta | Otto | Oz |
Paddy | Paige | Panda | Pandora | Pansy |
Papi | Paris | Pastrami | Patches | Patton |
Pavarotti | Payton | Peaches | Peanut | Pebbles |
Pee Wee | Pentagon | Penny | Pepi | Pepita |
Pepper | Pepsi | Periwinkle | Petie | Phoenix |
Phoebe | Pierre | Piglet | Pinky | Pip |
Piper | Pippin | Pipsqueak | Pirate | Pistachio |
Pita | Pixie | Pluto | Poco | Poet |
Pointer | Poker | Polly | Poncho | Pooch |
Popeye | Popsicle | Pork Chop | Poseidon | Prancer |
Preppy | Patrick | Precious | Priscilla | Primrose |
Prince | Princess | Prometheus | Pugsley | Panda |
Putina | Punkin | Pollo | Prada | Pützi |
Qando | Quimbo | Quin | Queso | Quixie |
Queen | Queenie | Quincy | Quwinny | Quuna |
Quantus | Quatro | Queenessa | Quess | Quid |
Quicki | Quiver | Quästo | Quzombar | Quno |
Querri | Quiggy | Quzie | Quwinny | Qwinto |
Racer | Radar | Ragg-Mopp | Rainbow | Ramses |
Ranger | Rascal | Rasputin | Reba | Rebel |
Red | Reggie | Remi | Remington | Reno |
Rex | Ricardo | Riley | Ringer | Ringo |
Rio | Ripley | Rock | Rocket | Rocky |
Romeo | Roosevelt | Rory | Roscoe | Rose |
Rosie | Rover | Rowan | Rowdy | Roxy |
Ruby | Rudolf | Ruffles | Rufus | Rugby |
Rusty | Rutherford | Ranji | Ruxa | Runaway |
Saber | Sabrina | Sadie | Sage | Saint |
Salem | Sam | Samurai | Sampson | Sancho |
Sandy | Sapphire | Sasha | Sassy | Saxon |
Scampi | Scarlet | Scooter | Scout | Sebastian |
Selena | Serena | Sergeant | Shadow | Shakespeare |
Shambala | Shasta | Sheba | Sheena | Shelby |
Sherlock | Sherman | Shiloh | Shishkabob | Shotzie |
Schultz | Sid | Sidney | Sierra | Silver |
Simba | Simon | Sissy | Slasher | Smokey |
Smooches | Smuckers | Sneakers | Snickers | Snoopy |
Snow | Sörö | Squirt | Star | Steel |
Sting | Storm | Styx | Stormy | Sugar |
Suki | Sundance | Sunny | Sunshine | Superman |
Sweetie | Sweetie | Sylkia | Sytta | Sünde |
Tabitha | Taco | Taffy | Tanner | Tango |
Tasha | Tassel | Tater Tot | Tattoo | Tatum |
Taxi | Tay-Tay | Taz | Tennessee | Tess |
Tex | Thor | Thumper | Thunder | Tia |
Tiffany | Tiger | Tigger | Tink | Tinkerbelle |
Tiny | Tito | Toby | Toffee | Töni |
Tootsie | Topaz | Tracker | Trapper | Tres |
Trevor | Trinket | Trista | Trixie | Truman |
Tucker | Tuffy | Tugger | Turbo | Turner |
Tweety | Twister | Twix | Twink | Twiggi |
Ulysses | Uca | Ubrina | Uli | Ultimo |
Uomo | Uranos | Uri | Utan | Uscella |
Urby | Uranus | Uppy | Uno | Unox |
Usmar | Uxan | Uschigärdens | Utan | Uzzo |
Vadonfiak | Valentine | Valentino | Val | Valona |
Vango | Vevi | Venus | Victoria | Vikus |
Virgie | Vivi | Vix | Vixen | Voodoo |
Volcano | Volka | Volt | Voxy | Vulcan |
Waffle | Waldo | Walker | Wally | Walnut |
Warlock | Watson | Webster | Whiskey | Whisper |
Winke | Wiggles | Wiley | Willow | Willy |
Wiener | Windsor | Wilson | Wishbone | Weijia |
Woodoo | Wotan | Woody | Woofer | Wyona |
Xabu | Xado | Xarre | Xatan | Xebo |
Xemo | Ximo | Xingu | Xirus | Xix |
Xoro | Xotan | Xorba | Xiu | Xinti |
Ximena | Xilka | Xeo | Xata | Xasha |
Xarus | Xawa | Xenna | Xilse | Xunta |
Yabo | Yago | Yamo | Yango | Yapa |
Yarro | Yasmina | Yen | Yenka | Yin |
Yobo | Yipsi | Yogy | Yoker | Yoko |
Yo-Yo | Yoris | Yovan | Yuby | Yunko |
Yörn | Yörk | Yuppi | Yülli | Yvonne |
Zabo | Zakkie | Zack | Zalina | Zak |
Zambo | Zanja | Zampano | Zako | Zanus |
Zappo | Zarak | Zazu | Zenda | Zeno |
Zete | Ziggy | Zip | Zippora | Zizi |
Zoe-Zurcka | Zsa-Zsa | Zurra | Zyndi | Zymbo |
Distinctly Dapper – Naturally Dog